“War is waged by men only,
but it is not possible to wage it upon men only.
All war must be waged upon women...
as well as upon men.”
~Helena Swanwick, 1915
The image on the left is a picture of the Civil War Battle in America by Wikilmages, powered by Pixel and on the right is a photo during the liberation of a POW camp in the Phillipines during World War II by the U.S Army, from the AMEDD Archives.
Men always started the huge fights, like war, because they’ve historically been in control of making the big decisions and rarely have they given this power to women. Fortunately, when they start these wars, they are also the ones who believe they should fight these wars. Many of them did not believe women should be involved in these fights that could decide the nation’s fate. They did not believe women had the power or the intellect to be in charge of these decisons. However, do women sit back? No! In fact, many welcomed the war as a chance to spread their wings and gain more opportunities while the men fought amongst themselves.
Throughout the major wars (like the Civil War, World War I and World War II) that happened, women were able to find new paths for themselves that helped strengthen their ideas for equality.