Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson
Katherine Johnson at NASA Langley Research Center in 1971. Source

Who is she?

Katherine Johnson was a girl who was eager to learn. She was a girl that was always counting and couldn't wait to grow up and get to school. Her intelligence opened her up to many opportunities in life that started coming to her at a young age. Through life she accomplished many things and is an important part to women in STEM.


  • Katherine was at the top of her class growing up which allowed her to start in the first grade.
  • She was one of three people of color chosen to integrate a graduate school.
  • Johnson was able to calculate the trajectory which helped put astronauts into orbit and onto to the moon.
  • She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom(seen below).
  • Receiving her medal of freedom
    Katherine Johnson after receiving her medal from President Obama in 2015.Source