"I never am really satisfied that I understand anything; because, understand it well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand about the many connections and relations which occur to me." ~Ada Lovelace
Ada Lovelace was a very talented and brilliant mathematician who proved her worth while under the mentorship of Charles Babbage. She had first-hand experience to the making of the Analytical Engine through her work alongside Charles Babbage which made her one of the few people to understand the true potential of this machine. She is also responsible for the accurate translation of Charles Babbage’s work into two other languages. While translating these works she included notes of her own which expressed her ideas and included her own work. Through this work she helped start computer programming and paved a path for the future of computers.
Not only was Lovelace gifted in mathematics, she had the gift of writing as well. She wrote poems and sonnets, and expressed herself with such elegance, her work was always admired. Throughout her life Lovelace made sure to make a name for herself through her hard work and dedication to a field not very popular to women, and without knowing it she paved the way for women to walk down and achieve great things just as she once did.
In the New York Historical Society Museum there is an interactive display that lets vistiors learn about important women in our history that have impacted our daily lives. Ada Lovelace can be considered the first computer programer but sadly she isn't remembered as often. This display suits Ada because it shows women that went against the odds and found a voice in what they loved doing.